Senior Lecturer
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- Isaksson, M. Lindmark-Henriksson, T. Manoranjan, K. Sjödin, and H-E. Högberg,. Hemiacetals and their esters as side-products in lipase-catalysed transesterifications of vinyl esters with sterically hindered alcohols. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 31, 31–37, 2004.
- Puvanendran, T. Manoranjan, A. Wickramasinghe, D. N. Karunaratne, D. S. A. Wijesundara, V. Kumar, G. Carr, R. J. Andersen and V. Karunaratne,. Alkaloids from Xylopiaparvifoliaand nigricans (Annonaceae).Journal of the National Science Foundation, 38 (1),75 – 76, 2010.
- Jeyasakthy, J. P. Jeyadevan, A. C. Thavaranjit, T. Manoranjan, R. Srikaran and N. Krishnapillai,. Antifungal activity and qualitative phytochemical analysis of extracts obtained by sequential extraction of some medicinal plants in Jaffna peninsula. Archives of Applied Research, 5(6), 214-221, 2013.
- Shathyaa, T. Manoranjan, A. C. Thavaranjit and J. P. Jeyadevan . Antifungal activity and qualitative phytochemical analysis of the fruit extract of Cappariszelanica. Der Pharma Chemica 7 (6), 282-286.
- K. Shathyaa, T. Manoranjan and A. C. Thavaranjit (2015). Screening for in vitro antifungal activity and qualitative phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract of Jasminumangustifolium. Der Pharmacia Letter, 7 (11), 147-151, 2015.
- Manoranjan, Wicramasinghe, A. and Kumar, V, Chemical investigation of Myristicaceylanica (Myristicaceae). Abstract papers, 60th Meeting of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 610, 2004.
- Manoranjan, A.Wicramasinghe and V.Kumar. Lignans from Myristicaceylanica. AFFASSA symposium, p.16, 2004.
- Manoranjan, A. Wicramasinghe, and V. Kumar,. A new arylalkanone and a dimeric acylphenol from Myristicaceylanica (Myristicaceae). Abstract papers, 61st Meeting of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 72, 2005.
- Puvanendran, T. Manoranjan, A. Wickramasinghe, D. N. Karunaratne, V. Kumar, D. S. A. Wijesundara and V. Karunaratne, “Alkaloids from Xylopiaparvifoliaand X.nigricans(Annonaceae)”. Proc. of Peradeniya University Research Sessions (PURSE), Vol. 13, 460-462, 2008.
- Thangarajah, T. Manoranjan and A. C. Thavaranjit, Phytochemical screening and antifungal activity of some medicinal plants of family Lamiacae. Proceeding of Jaffna Science Association, 19 (1), 20, 2012.
- Jeyasakthy, R. Srikaran, J. P. Jeyadevan, A. C. Thavaranjit and T. Manoranjan, Bioassay guided isolation of Cassia alatastem bark extract. JUICE, 12, 2012.
- Kaylvily, J. P. Jeyadevan, A. C. Thavaranjit and T Manoranjan, Antifungal bioassay and preliminary phytochemical analysis of extracts of Curcuma longa.JUICE, p186, 2012.
- S. Tharany, J. P. Jeyadevan, N. Krishnapillai and T. Manoranjan. In vitro study of antifungal activity of Cassia alatastem by using sequential extraction method. International conference of chemical sciences (by I. Chem.), p135, 2012.
Awards & Grants