Senior Lecturer
Admin Role
Awards & Grants
Admin Role
- Member, Technical Evaluation Committee at Palmyrah Development Board, 2017
- Treasurer, Jaffna University Science Teachers’ Association (JUSTA), University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka (2016–2017)
- Chief Examiner, G.C.E Advanced Level Chemistry, National examination, Sri Lanka, 2014–2015
- Secretary, Jaffna Science Association (JSA-Section A), Jaffna, Sri Lanka (2013 and 2014)
- Senior lecturer: Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, (Nov 2010–present)
- Academic visitor: Chemistry Research Laboratory, University of Oxford, (Jan 2007–June 2007)
- Demonstrator: Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, (2002–2005)
- Assistant Lecturer: Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, (1999–2001)
- Resource Person, Workshop on “Environmental Sensitive Subjects Areas” on 07–09 December 2016for Science Teachers at Northern Province
- Resource Person, Workshop on ‘‘Emerging Trends in water and wastewater Treatment’’ at JKWSSP training hall, Jaffna on 02–03 August 2016 for the National Water Supply and Drainage Board
- Life Member, Jaffna Science Association (JSA)Life Member, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS)
- Life Member, Institute of Chemistry, Ceylon (ICHEM)
- S.Prabagar; P. Jasotha; S. Thuraisingam, Nitrate contamination of ground water: An issue for livelihood in Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka, Northern Province Water Recourse Development Colloquium, 2017.
- J.G. T. N. S. Ubesena; S. Janupriya; K. Velauthamuty; A. C. Thavaranjit; P. Jasotha, Degradation of hydrocarbons by bacteria isolated from used oil contaminated water, Fifth International Symposium on Water quality and Human health, 2016.
- S.Tharshana; G. Sashikesh; J. Prabagar; R. Senthooran, Physocochemical characteristics of groundwater in a selected agricultural area in Neervely, Jaffna Fourth International Symposium on Water quality and Human health, 2015.
- M.Vishnumeera, R. Senthooran, G. Sashikesh, J. Prabagar, Physocochemical characteristics of selective well water samples in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts, Sri Lanka, Third International Symposium on Water quality and Human health, 2014.
- A.Aravinthan; J. Prabagar, Effect of pipeline sources on drinking water quality in selected areas in Jaffna peninsula, Sri Lanka, 2nd International Symposium on Water quality and Human health, 2013.
- J.Prabagar; A. R. Cowley; J. M. Brown, Electrophilic routes to tertiary adamantly and diamantylphosphonium salts, Synlett, 2351-2354, 2011.
Awards & Grants
- University Research Grant – 2016 (URG/2016/CKD/02) Rs. 990,600.00, Impact of water quality parameters on Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown etiology (CKDu): A quantitative study using selected well water samples in Northern Province”, University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka –PI.
- Prize for the Best solution Oriented Thesis Award-2016, given by the University Business Linkage Initiative Program University of Jaffna for Undergraduate Research Supervision on ‘‘Micro Remediation of Used oil (Petroleum hydrocarbon) contaminated Ground water.
- University Research Grant – 2015 (URG/2015/13) Rs. 500,000.00, “Efficiency of bacterial degradation on used oil contaminated sites”, University of Jaffna, Jaffna, Sri Lanka –PI.
- Clarendon Fund from Oxford University to pursue DPhil degree at Oxford in 2001.
- University prize for best performance in special degree examination (Considering all subjects) in 1999.
- Sir ArunachalamMahadeva memorial prize in chemistry for the best performance in the special degree in chemistry in 1999.
- Ratnanather memorial scholarship for the best performance in the general degree units in chemistry at the third examination in science in 1998.
- Handy Perinpanayagam memorial prize for the best performance in the first two annual examinations in 1996.
- Edmund J. Cooray memorial scholarship in chemistry for the being the best student selected to read for a special degree in chemistry in 1996.
- University prize for the best performance in biological science in the second examination in science in 1996.
- Varatharajah memorial prize for the best performance in chemistry in the first examination in science in 1995.
- Sabalingam memorial prize for the best performance in biological science in the first examination in science in 1995.
- CHE101GC2: General Chemistry and Chemistry of main group elements
- CHE106GC1: Practical Chemistry I
- CHE301MC3: Advanced analytical and spectroscopic techniques
- CHE302MC3: Applications of Group Theory and Diffraction Methods
- CHE306MC2: Advanced Inorganic Practical Chemistry
- CHE401MC4: Advanced Coordination Chemistry, Magnetochemistry
- Organometallic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanism
- CHE421MC3: Bioinorganic chemistry, Nuclear and Radiochemistry, Advanced chemistry of inner-transition elements, Clusters and Clathrates