Professor in Chemistry
Admin Role
Awards & Grants
Admin Role
- Senate representative from the Board of Faculty of Science 2004 to 2007.
- Head of the Department of Chemistry, 2007 to 2010.
- Member of the Board of Studies of Graduate studies for three years with effect from 18-03-2008 and then with effect from 01-04-2011 for another three years.
- Committee member of Faculty Research Committee 2013.
- Well-being Coordinator, Faculty of Science, May 2018 to date.
- C. Spivey, R. Srikaran. Protecting groups, in Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B, Organic Chemistry, Vol 97, Ed.J.A.Joule, RSC, Cambridge, 97, 41-59, 2001.
- C. Spivey. R. Srikaran, C. M. Diaper, D. J. Turner, Traceless solid phase synthesis of 2-substituted pyrimidines using an off the shelf chlorogermane functionalized resin, Org.Biomol.Chem.. 1, 1638-1640, 2003.
- C. Spivey, J. McKendrick, R. Srikaran, A.H. Brigit. Solid phase synthesis of an A-B loop mimetic of the Ce’ domain of human IgE: macrocylisation by Sonogashira coupling, J. Org. Chem., 68, 1843-1851, 2003.
- N. Surendran, V. Kumaran, R. Sivarajah, S. R. Krishnarajah, R. Srikaran, K. Raghavendra, A note on the larvicidal efficacy of saponin constituted crude extracts of the plant and animal origin against Aedes aegypti L, J.Natn.Sci. Foundation Sri Lanka, 37 (3), 215-217, 2009.
- Tharmila, T. Thileepan, A. C. Thavaranjit, R. Srikaran. Antibacterial properties of “Accumus” mouth wash” SLJIM, 01 (02) 83-85, 2011.
- Srikaran, C. A. Kontorgiorgis, S. A Warren, F. Pisaneschi, A. C. Spivey Synthesis of a 4-Aryl-2-anilinopyrimidine Using a Germanium-Functionalised Non-Cross-Linked Polystyrene (NCPS) Support ,Synlett, 24, 1663-1666, 2013.
- Jeyasakthy, J. P. Jeyadvan , A. C. Thavaranjit , T. Manoranjan, R. Srikaran, N. Krishnapillai , Antifungal activity and qualitataive phytochemical analysis of extracts obtained by sequential extraction of some medicinal plants in Jaffna peninsula, Archives of Applied Science Research, 5 (6) 214-221, 2013.
- Sivasinthuja, R. Srikaran, A. C. Thavaranjit, K. Velauthamurty, C. J Tharmila, P. Abiman, P. Iyngaran, Contents of nitrate, nirite and the occurrence of bacteria in fermented cooked parboiled rice and their potential ingestion in the diet, Archives of Applied Science Research, 4 (4),56-61, 2014.
- Sathiyavasan, M. Sithambaresan, G. Parthiban, R. Srikaran, Synthesis and spectroscopic analysis of the nature of coordination modes of ligands in copper (ii) and cadmium (ii) complexes of two N-oxidobenzamide derivatives, International journal of science, 5(5), 179-181, 2017.
- Srikaran, S. Dulanjali Evaluation of in-vitro urolithiatic activity of methanolic extracts of cucumis melo seeds on calcium oxalate crystals” International journal of current pharmaceutical research, 11, 18-20, 2019.
- Kuganathan, R. Srikaran, P. C. M. Fossati, A. Chroneos, Theoretical Modeling of Defects, Dopants, and Diffusion in the Mineral Ilmenite, Minerals, 9, 610, 2019.
- N. Kuganathan, R. Srikaran, A. Chroneos, Stability of Coinage Metals Interacting with C60 Nanomaterials, 9, 1484, 2019.
Awards & Grants
- 1998 – University of Sheffield Overseas Students’ Research Scholarship (ORS) for PhD work.
- 2001(April) – Won first prize in the poster competition: EPSRC/GSK Combinatorial Chemistry Dissemination Events at Stevanage, UK.
- Stereo chemistry and Conformational analysis,
- Heterocyclic chemistry
- Chemistry of Natural Products