Dr. (Mrs.) R.Senthooran
Senior Lecturer
Admin Role
Awards & Grants
Admin Role
- Subject coordinator for the applied science program (Chemistry) 2015
– 2017.
Journal papers
- Rathiga Senthooran, Owen J. Curnow and Deborah L. Crittenden, Discrete Oligomers and Polymers of Chloride Monohydrate can form in Encapsulated Environments: Structures and Infrared Spectra of [Cl4(H2O)4]4– and {[Cl(H2O)]–}∞, ChemPlusChem 2021, 86, 1297-1306.
- Senthooran, R.; Curnow, O. J.; Brenner, T.; Weiss, R.; Ferreras, M.; Crittenden, D. L., A Series of Discrete Dichloride Dihydrates: Characterisation and Symmetry Effects. ChemPlusChem 2020, 85 (10), 2272-2280.
- Curnow, O. J.; Senthooran, R., One water to bind a chloride-chloride ion pair: Isolation of discrete [Cl2(H2O)]2-in the solid state. Dalton Transactions 2020, 49 (28), 9579-9582.
- Rathiga Senthooran and Namal Priyantha, Inhibition of Corrosion of Copper in HCl by Tea Leaves Extracts: I. Corrosion Rate Measurements, Res. J. SLSAJ, 12 (2012) 01-10
- Surendran, S. N., Kumaran, V.,Sivarajah, R., Krishnarajah, S. R., Srikaran, R. and Raghavendra, K., ”A note on the larvicidal efficacy of saponin constituted crude extracts of the plant and animal origin against Aedes aegypti L”, Journal of National Science Foundation Sri Lanka, 37(3), 209-211, 2009.
Conference proceedings
- Rathiga Senthooran and Owen J. Curnow, “Synthesis and characterization of dialkylphosphate-based triaminocyclopropenium ionic liquids”, The 8th Australasian symposium on Ionic liquids, 2018.
- Rathiga Senthooran and Owen J. Curnow, “Novel Fluoroalkylamino-substituted triaminocyclopropenium ionic liquids: Synthesis and characterization”, New Zealand Institute of Chemistry Conference, NZIC2019, Abstract book – Posters NZIC2019, Nov 24-28
- M. Rajapaksha and R. Senthooran, “Removal of Ca2+ and Mg2+ using chemically modified rice husk”, symposium proceedings, Fifth international symposium on water quality and human health: challenges ahead, 05 & 06 August, PGIS, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 31, 2016.
- Tharshana, G. Sashikesh, J.prabagar and R. Senthooran, “Phisico-chemical characteristics of ground water in a selected agricultural area in neervely, Jaffna”, symposium proceedings, Fourth international symposium on water quality and human health: challenges ahead, 01 & 02 August, PGIS, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 1, 2015.
- Vishnumeera, R. Senthooran, G. Sashikesh, and J.prabagar, “Phisicochemical characteristics of selective well water samples in Kilinochi and Mullaitivu districs, Sri Lanka”, symposium proceedings, Third international symposium on water quality and human health: challenges ahead, 27 & 28 June, PGIS, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, 13, 2014.
- Senthooran and N. Priyantha, Corrosion Prevention of mild steel in simulated pickling bath environments using natural products, Proc. 68th Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS), p 60, 2012.
- Senthooran and N. Priyantha, Effect of iodide ion on the inhibition effect of acidic extract of cinnamon leaves on mild steel corrosion in hydrochloric acid solutions, Proc. 68th Annual Sessions, SLAAS, p 74, 2012.
- Senthooran and N. Priyantha, Effect of tea leaves extract on inhibition of corrosion of copper in sodium chloride solutions, Proc. Int. Con. Chem. Sci., p. 41, 2012.
- Senthooran and N. Priyantha, Inhibition of Corrosion of Copper in HCl by Tea Leaves Extracts, Proc. SLSAJ Annual Res. Con., p. 20, 2012.
- Senthooran and N. Priyantha, Corrosion Prevention of Galvanized Steel in Sodium Chloride solutions, Proc. Perad. Univ. Res. Sessions, 16, 153, 2011.
- Srikaran, R.,Sivarajah, R., Krishnarajah, S. R., Krishnarajah, P., Kajatheepan, A. and Surendran, S. N., “Larvicidal effect of crude extract from Holothuria atra against Aedes aegypti”, In Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association, 14, 57, 2006.
Awards & Grants
- 2020 UC Foundation Doctoral Publication Scholarship.
- 2018 Evans fund, University of Canterbury, to participate in the 8th Australasian symposium on Ionic liquids at Deakin University, Australia.
- 2017 Chemistry PhD research scholarship, School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand to pursue PhD at University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- 2005 S. Mageswaran Gold Medal for best performance in fourth year Advanced Organic Chemistry (Theory & practical) in the Honours degree Examination, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- 2005 Arunachalam Mahadeva Memorial Prize for best performance in Honours degree in Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka
- 2003 University Prize for the best performance in Biological Science at the Second Examination in Science.
- 2017 Postgraduate research grant, UGC/Sri Lanka to pursue PhD at University of Canterbury, New Zealand.
- Analytical Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- General Chemistry