Admin Role
Awards & Grants
Admin Role
- Head of the Department from June 2023 – to date
- Proctor, University of Jaffna – June 2021 – to date
- Senate representative to the Council of the University of Jaffna from Jun 2020 – to date
- Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna
- Member of the Subject Committee on Chemistry in UGC for the year 2020
- Deputy Proctor, Faculty of Science, University of Jaffna – November 2018 – June 2021
- Member, Board of Management, Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna from January 2016 – to date
- Chief Examiner, G.C.E Advanced Level Chemistry, National examination, Sri Lanka– 2014 – to date
- Consultant, Palmyrah Research Institute, Sri Lanka- 2013
- Second examiner and moderator, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka – 2013 – to date.
- Student Counsellor, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka – Aug 2015 – Feb 2017
- Alumni officer, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka – Oct 2015 – December 2017
- Acting Head, Department of Music, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka – Oct 2015 – Apr 2016
- Professor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, May 2017 – to date
- Senior Lecturer (Grade II) Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Apr 2010 – May 2017
- Lecturer (Probationary) Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Apr 2005 – Apr 2010
- Assistant Lecturer Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Jan 2004 – Feb 2005
- Assistant Lecturer Department of Chemistry, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka, Oct 2002 – Nov 2003
- Velauthamurty, S. J. Higgins, R. M. G. Rajapakse, J. Bacsa, H. Zalinge, R. J. Nichols, W. Haiss, Syntheis and Characterization of monomeric and polymeric Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-functionalised phosphine ligands, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 19, 1850-1858, 2009.
- R .M. G. Rajapakse, K. Murakami, H. M. N. Bandara, R. M. M. Y. Rajapakse, Velauthamurty, S. Wijeratne, Preparation and Characterization of Electronically Conducting Polypyrrole Montmorillonite Nanocomposite and its Potential Application as a Cathode Material for Oxygen Reduction, Electrochimca Acta, 55, 2490-2497, 2010.
- R. R. A Kumara, K. Murakami, M. Shimomura, K. Velauthamurty, E. V. A. Premalal, R. M. G. Rajapakse, H. M. N. Bandara, Electrochemical impedance and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic analysis of dye-sensitized liquid electrolyte based SnO2/ZnO solar cell, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A, 215, 1-10, 2010.
- Velauthamurty, S. J. Higgins, R. M. G. Rajapakse, M. Shimomura, H. M. N. Bandara, Synthesis and characterization of monomeric and polymeric Cu(II) complexes of 3,4-ethylene dioxy thiophene -functionalized with cyclam ligand, Electrochimica Acta, 56, 326-332, 2010.
- M. G. Rajapakse, S. J. Higgins, K. Velauthamurty, H. M. N. Bandara, S. Wijeratne, R. M. M. Y. Rajapakse, Nanocomposites of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) and montmorillonite clay: synthesis and characterization, Journal of composite materials, 45 (5), 597-608, 2010.
- M. K. T. Wijeratne, R. M. G. Rajapakse, S. Wijeratne, K. Velauthamurty, Thermal properties of montmorillonite polyaniline nanocomposites, Journal of composite materials, 46, 11, 1335-1343, 2012.
- Sivasinthujah, R. Srikaran, A. C. Thavaranjit, K. Velauthamurty, C. J. Tharmila, P. Abiman, P. Iyngaran, Contents of nitrate, nitrite and the occurrence of bacteria in fermented cooked parboiled rice and their potential ingestion in the diet, Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology Research, 4(4), 56-61, 2014.
- Velauthamurty, S. Balaranjan, G. Sashikesh, A Feasibility Study for the Authentication of Palmyrah Jaggery Using NIR Spectroscopy, Archives of Applied Science Research, 6 (6), 55-60, 2014.
- Velauthmurty, S. Mary, G. Sashikesh, S. Srivijeidenran, Enhance the quality of palmyrah (Borrasus flabellifer) jiggery, Journal of natural product and plant resources, 5(2), 37-42, 2015.
- Velauthamurty, S. J. Higgins, R. M. G. Rajapakse, Syntheis and Characterization of monomeric and polymeric Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene-functionalised phosphine ligands, Inorganica chemical Acta, 464, 59-64, 2017.
- Velauthamurty, N. Nagenthirarajah, G. Sashikesh, Analysis of salt, water, and soil samples from selected areas in Jaffna Peninsula, Der Pharmica Letter, 9(4), 1-11, 2017.
- Sanmuganthan Ehanathan, Kanthasamy Raagulan, M. Gamini Rajapakse, Kugamoorthy Velauthamurty*, Groundwater quality in the Jaffna peninsula of Sri Lanka and a qualitative study of BTEX removal by greenly synthesized iron nanoparticles-electro-catalyst system, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 11, 100362, 2020.
- Kugamoorthy Velauthamurty*, Praveena Raveendran, Kantahsamy Raagulan, Investigation of groundwater quality in “Kiramakodu area” of Point Pedro: Vadamarachi aquifer, Northern Sri Lanka, Vingnanam Journal of Science, Vol.15 (2), Dec., 2020.
- Gnanasubramaniam Menisha, JHT Jayamaha, K Vignarooban, Ganeshalingam Sashikesh, Kugamurthy Velauthamurthy, HWMAC Wijayasinghe, MAKL Dissanayake, Gel-Polymer Electrolytes for Sodium Batteries-Raman and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Studies, Materials Science Forum, 1023, 21-26, 2021.
Conference Full papers
- W.M.K.T.Wijeratnae, Nanda Gunawardhana, Kuhamorthy Velauthamurty, Thermal stability of cationed properties of MMT-Polyaniline Nanocomposites, International Conference on Advanced Materials, Science and Engineering, ICAMSE, Sri Lanka, vol 2, Biomaterials and polymer materials, 2012, 1-73
Conference Proceedings
- Velauthamurty, R. Mageswaran, Some quality parameters of ground water from some selected areas in Jaffna peninusula, Proceedings of Jaffna Science Association, Sri Lanka, 11,1, 23, 2003.
- Velauthamurty, R .M. G. Rajapakse, S. J. Higgins, J. Basca, poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) materials with covalently attached metal phosphate complexes, RSC conference, United Kingdom, 2010.
- Nagenthirarajah, K. Velauthamurty, P. Iyngaran, R. Srikaran, P. Abiman, Some quality parameters of salt, water and soil samples from Some selected Areas in the Jaffna Penninsula, Emerging Opportunities for Development of the Regions, Vavuniya Campus Annual Research Session, Sri Lanka, ISSN 1800-4911, 2011.
- Sinthuja, P. Abiman, P. Iyngaran, K. Velauthamurty, R. Srikaran, Determination of thermodynamic of weak acids using a conductivity method, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Sri Lanka, Pages E2/601, 2012.
- Nakkeeran, K. Velauthamurty, Implementation of computer assisted animations to teach resonance in G.C.E. Advanced level chemistry, International conference on chemical sciences, Institute of chemistry Ceylon, Sri Lanka, E76, page 87, 2014.
- Balaranjan, K. Velauthamurty, G. Sashikesh, A Preliminary Study and Principal Component Analysis for the Authentication of Palmyrah Palm Jaggery Using NIR Spectroscopy, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches, Sri Lanka, page 122, 2014.
- Mary, K. Velauthamurty, S. Srivijeindran, G. Sashikesh, Standardization and enhancement of quality of palmyrah (borrasus flabellifer) jiggery, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches, Sri Lanka, page 123, 2014.
- Sangar, K. Velauthmurty, K. Hamsathvanie, Conversion of used heavy fuel oil and lubricant engine oil mixer into lubricating grease, Proceedings of Annual Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Vol 19, 101, 2015.
- Sathiyaselan, K. Niranjan, K. Velauthamuty, Screening for antimicrobial and selected Mineral components in the steam distillate of AEGLEMARMELOS, 3rd International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha &Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2015), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka on “Sustainable Development through Innovations’’, December, page 85, 2015.
- G.T.N.S. Ubesena, S. Janupriya, K. Velauthamurty, A. C. Thavaranjit, J. Prabagar, Degradation of hydrocarbon by bacteria isolated from used oil contaminated water, 5th International Symposium on Water quality and Human Health: Challenges Ahead, Sri Lanka, 5-6th of August 2016.
- Sathiyaselan, K. Velauthamuty, Phytochemical screening and identification of some compounds from cutch of Acacia catechu, 4th International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha &Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2016), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka on “Sustainable Development through Innovations’’, December, page 29, 2016.
- K .Velauthamurty, R.M.G Rajapakse, S. J Higgins, H. M. N Bandara, Preparation and Characterization of monomeric and polymeric Ni-Cyclam Ethylenedioxythiophene Complex, Proceedings of Annual Research Sessions, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Vol 14, 248-250,
- Velauthamurty, R. M. G. Rajapakse, S. J. Higgins, S. Wijeratnae, H. M. N. Bandara, Preparation and Characterization of some metals (Pt2+, Pd2+, Ru2+) Functionalized 3,4 –ethylenedioxythiophene, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science, Pages E2/627, 2009.
- Sathiyaselan, K. Niranjan, K. Velauthamuty, Screening for antimicrobial and selected Mineral components in the steam distillate of Pimpinella anisum, 3rd International conference of Eastern University, Sri Lanka on Sustainable Development through Innovations, page 10, 2014.
- Sathiyaselan, K. Velauthamuty, Phyto chemical screening of identification of some compounds from Neem toddy, 5th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2017), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka on Sustainable Development through Innovations, 2017.
- Thillany, V. Sathiyaselan, K. Velauthamuty, Qualitative chemical analysis of Amalgamation of Mercury and sulphur (Kachali) in the metallic preparations of Siddha drugs , 6th International conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha &Traditional Medicine (ICAUST 2018), University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, 43, 2018.
- Kajajna, K. Karthikayani, K. Velauthamurty, S. Sivashanmugarajah A study of chemical changes of Thurusu used in Siddha medicine by the process of suththi., 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Siddha Medicine,ICESM-2018, University of Jaffna and Unit of Siddha Medicine, 99, 2018.
- Karthikayani, T. Kajajna, K. Velauthamurty, S. Sivashanmugarajah Chemical analytical study of Annapethy and Anjanakkal used in Siddha Medicine by the process of suththi., 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Siddha Medicine,ICESM-2018, University of Jaffna and Unit of Siddha Medicine, 99, 2018.
- Keerthiga, N. Harisshanth, V. Sathiyaselan, K. Velauthamurty, Phytochemical screening of identification of some compounds from Paal Patpam, 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Siddha Medicine,ICESM-2018, University of Jaffna and Unit of Siddha Medicine, 127, 2018.
- Saranga, K. Velauthamurty, K. Nirnajan, T. Manoranjan, V. Sathiyaselan, Antimicrobial bioassay of Rubia cordifoila, Indicofera tinctoria and Morinda citrifera, Asian Symposium on medicinal plants, Species and other Natural Products XVI, ASOMPS XVI 2018 proceedings, Page 78, 2018.
- Ehananthan, K.Velauthamurty, R.M.G.Rajapake, and K.Ragulan, Greenly synthesized iron nanoparticles and their application for degradation of volatile organic compounds, Inetrnatinal conference on Advanced Materials for CleanEnergy and health Applications, AMCEHA-, page 101, 2019.
- H. T. B. Jayamaha, G. Menisha, K. G. H. S. Keppetiyawa, S. L. N. Seavirathna, K. Vignarooban, G. Sashikesh, K. Veluathamurthy, H. W. M. A. C. Wijayasingahe and M. A. K. L. Dissanayake, Poly (methyl methacrylate) based gel-polymer electrolytes for sodium-ion secondary batteries – A comparative study with different ionic salts, Proceedings of 7th Ruhuna International Science & Technology Conference, University of Ruhuna, 22 January, 2020
- Menisha, G., Jayamaha, J. H. T. B., Vignarooban, K., Sashikesh, G., Velauthamurthy, K., Wijayasinghe, H. W. M. A. C. and Dissanayake, M. A. K. L., “Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Sodium Batteries Raman and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Studies”, 9th International Conference on Material Science and Engineering Technology, 9-12, October, 2020
- Christine Kajana, R.Siyanthan, K.Velauthamurty, T.Vijayakumar, Changes on chemical composition of Thalakam” before and after purification. , 2nd International conference and Exhibition on Siddha Medicine (ICESM-2020), March, page 92, 2020.
- CNB Tennakoon, JHTB Jayamaha, V Jathushan, KGHS Keppetiyawa, K Vignarooban, G Sashikesh, K Velauthamurty, Commiphora mukul derived natural resin-based biopolymer electrolytes for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries, Undergraduate Research Symposium, Physics Society, University of Jaffna , Page 17, 2021.
- H.T.B. Jayamaha, V. Jathushan, R.P.P.D. Rajakaruna, K. Vignarooban, G. Sashikesh and K. Veluathamurty, 2021, Gel-polymer electrolytes based on poly (methyl methacrylate) host polymer for sodium-ion rechargeable batteries, – 8th Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference (RISTCON 2021), February 17, 2021, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka.
- Thabesan, J.H.T.B. Jayamaha, V. Jathushan, K. Vignarooban, G. Sashikesh and K. Velauthamurty, 2021, Solid state biopolymer electrolytes based on Azadirachta indica derived natural resin for sodium-ion secondary batteries, Technological Advances in Science, Medicine and Engineering Conference (TASME 2021) to be hosted by SickKids, Toronto, Canada on July 2-4, 2021.
- N.B. Tennakoon, J.H.T.B. Jayamaha, V. Jathushan, K.G.H.S. Keppetiyawa, K. Vignarooban, G. Sashikesh and K. Velauthamurty, 2021, Commiphora mukul derived natural resin-based biopolymer electrolytes for rechargeable sodium-ion batteries, Undergraduate Research Symposium (URS 2021), January 29, 2021, Physics Society, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- N.B. Tennakoon, J.H.T.B. Jayamaha, V. Jathushan, K.G.H.S. Keppetiyawa, K. Vignarooban, G. Sashikesh and K. Velauthamurty, Natural resin based biopolymer electrolytes for sodium batteries, International Conference on Nanomaterials (ICN 2021) held on April 9-11, 2021 at the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India.
- H.T.B. Jayamaha, V. Jathushan, R.P.P.D. Rajakaruna, K. Vignarooban, G. Sashikesh and K. Velauthamurty, 2021, Novel gel-polymer electrolytes for sodium batteries – An electrochemical impedance spectroscopic studies, International Conference on Nanomaterials (ICN 2021) held on April 9-11, 2021 at the Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala, India.
Awards & Grants
- 2016- Prize for the Best solution Oriented Thesis Award-2016, given by the University Business Linkage Initiative Program University of Jaffna (Approved by the UGC-commission Circular 10/2016, For Undergraduate Research Supervision on ‘‘Micro Remediation of Used oil (Petroleum hydrocarbon) contaminated Ground water.
- 2015 – Best academic researcher award for the year 2015, given by the ASDF (Association of scientist’s developers and faculties). ASDF is inter- governmental research agency in India. Certificate given by the Government of India.
- 2010- President’s award for scientific
publication for the year 2010, given by the Government of Sri Lanka. - 2009- President’s award for scientific
publication for the year 2009, given by the Government of Sri Lanka. - 1998/1999 – Sir Edmund . J. Cooray Memorial Scholarship for having the highest marks in Chemistry at the First and Second year Examination in Science 1998/1999, in University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- CHE201G2- Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry
- CHE204G3- Inorganic and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
- CHE401M3- Advanced Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry
- CHE402M3- Advanced Nuclear Chemistry, Bioinorganic and Supramolecular Chemistry