UoJ Sri Lankan Spirits to UNEP

  • Post published:June 21, 2021
  • Post category:News

Chemical Society of University of Jaffna conceitedly present their gratefulness to the environment as only Sri Lankans!

Chemical Society of University of Jaffna has got a greatest chance to address the Little book of Green Nudges webinar on “Consumption and Recycling” representing Sri Lanka for the UNEP- United Nation Environment Program, established in 1972, addresses environmental issues at the global and regional level for the United Nations.

Since the environment is our guardian as well as our mother, we have a boundless responsibility to do more things to her. We are university students and we have to work for the environment much more than others.

As a little society among the chemistry students of University of Jaffna we have

    established a PET bottles recycling program                                        

    done a Beach Cleanup program

    conducted a debate competition within a short time period.

For the each and every step we took forward we had the best partnerships and the best collaborations. In that we collaborated with IDEA FACTORY to place a Coca cola- vending machine at the university premises to encourage the university students and staff to discharge their PET bottles in an environmentally friendly manner.

Not only the university premises, we have concerned about our coastal area also. Sri Lanka is an island and many people think the ocean and the coastal area are the best places to release their trash. So, we went trough a beach cleanup program with Jaffna Youth Club to make the coastal area is a better place.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic has warned us to stay at homes. There for we have to put a comma to our work. But it is only a comma not a full stop. So, we conducted an Inter University debate competition regarding the impact of covid-19 pandemic for the environment.

We, Chemical Society of University of Jaffna will rise again, not virtually… with the power of all the kind hearted children of mother nature!